Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the duration of course?
It depends on which course are you going to choose.
How and where to go for admission?
You can visit our centre in Indore at 323 milind manor, opp. TI next mall.
Do you have any branches?
NO, we have only one branch in Indore but we can provide distant learning via online classes all over the country
What are the job opportunities in this field?
You can be an enterpreneur, import export agent and Export executive
Is there any eligibility criteria?
NO, you can easily enroll in our programs.
I am pursuing my bachelor’s/master’s , can I join the course?
Yes, you can.
Hello, I am from other city/state, how can I join the course?
You can join this cousre via online or you can come to our center.
What are the programs offered by GTH?
- Crash course of import and export
- Basic course of import and export
- Advance course of import and export
- Master course of import and export ( with digital marketing and e- commerce management)
What support would be extended after the completion of program?
Provide expert guidance for 1st shipment , and life time free consultancy.
What are the benefits of doing this program with GTH?
- Life time free consultancy
- Risk free business statergies
- Expert guidance
What are the modes of program?
We are offering online and offline classes for our couses.